Joomla Editor TinyMCE End User Guide

TinyMCE End User Guide

toolbar help

Clicking on any of the buttons above will take you to the help for that particular button.


TinyMCE is a platform independent web based Javascript HTML WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor control released as Open Source under LGPL by Moxiecode Systems AB.

This document is intended to give end-users of websites using TinyMCE, guidance with using the editor.



If you've used a word processor such as Microsoft Word™ or Open Office™, then most of the functionality provided by TinyMCE will seem familiar.

However, whereas a word processor is primarily designed for producing documents to be printed on paper, editors such as TinyMCE are designed for showing documents on the web via a web browser.

When creating your page content using TinyMCE, there are a few things you should always keep in mind:

  • There are various web browsers currently in use, all have their own quirks and ways of displaying your content.
    Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Google Chrome and Opera are the most popular, but there are others.
  • The screen size people will be viewing your content on may vary considerably, from as small as 800x600 pixels to 1900x1200 pixels and greater. However, it is fair to assume that your average user will have a screen size of 1024x768 or greater.
  • The range of fonts available on a user's computer may be different from yours, so don't rely on a user having a particular font on their computer.

In short, you cannot always guarantee that your content will look exactly the same on someone else's computer.

The look and feel of your website is usually dictated by a Style Sheet (known as CSS, or Cascading Style Sheet). These style sheets tell a user's web browser how to display the standard formats such as Headings, Paragraphs and Tables.

A considerable amount of effort will have been taken to ensure these style sheets make your web site look the same on all the major browsers. Wherever possible, you should keep to these standard styles in order that your pages will be displayed consistently across the various browsers, and will retain the same style as the rest of your website.

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The TinyMCE Toolbar

The TinyMCE is split into two areas: the toolbar, and the editing area:

TinyMCE Editor

The editing area is where you type in your content.

The toolbar sits at the top, providing you with all the options and functionality needed to style your page:

toolbar help

Clicking on any of the buttons above will take you to the help for that particular button.

Note: The range of buttons available on the toolbar can differ between web-sites.
This document attempts to address the most commonly used, however there may be others not covered by this guide.

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Save, Cancel and New

The following buttons can be used for saving, cancelling and creating new page content:

save Save's any changes you've made to your document.
cancel Cancel's any changes you've made to your document, reverting it to how it was the last time you saved it.
new Clears any content so you can start creating your page from scratch.
revert Similar to Cancel, this button will revert your content back to how it was the last time you saved it, but unlike Cancel allows you to continue editing it.
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Basic Styling

The following buttons change the basic styling of your text:

bold Toggles between "Bold" and "Normal" text.
italic Toggles between "Italics" and "Normal" text.
underline Toggles between "Underline" and "Normal" text.
Note: Be careful that your underlined text doesn't make the user think this is a hyperlink to another page.
strike Toggles between "Strikeout" and "Normal" text.

As these buttons are toggles, click them once to turn the style on and click it again to switch it off. Any combination of these styles can be used together.


There are two other common styles that can also be applied:

subscript Toggles between "subscript" and "Normal" text.
superscript Toggles between "superscript" and "Normal" text.

Finally, there are two other styles that may be used to indicate changes in your text:

strike Puts a red strike-through line through your text, indicating that this text has been deleted and should now be ignored.
underline Underlines your text in green, indicating that this text is newly added.

The selected style will either be applied to the current paragraph; or if you've selected an area of text with the mouse, then the style will be applied to the selected area.

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Text Alignment

The following buttons affect the alignment or justification of your text:

align left Align Left Your text will be left aligned as in this example.
align center Align Center Your text will be centered as in this example.
align right Align Right Your text will be right aligned as in this example.
justify Align Justify Your text will be justified by adding extra spaces, so that the left and right columns line up.
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Fonts and Styles

The drop-down lists shown below allow you to change the font and styles within your page.

Wherever possible, try to avoid using custom fonts and use the "Format" drop-down in preference to the other options.

Although you can choose other fonts, you cannot guarantee that the person viewing your page will have a particular font installed on their computer.


This allows you to pick from a list of styles available in the CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) associated with your page.


Allows you to pick from the standard formats available on all browsers, such as headings and paragraph text.

The CSS associated with your page will have defined how these should look in order to keep the styling consistent throughout your web site.

Wherever possible, try to stick to these styles rather than using custom fonts.

font family

This defines the "family" of the font to be used for this paragraph, e.g. "Arial" or "Times New Roman".

Note that the fonts available in this list are the list of fonts available on your computer, which may be different from the fonts available on someone else's computer.

Bear this in mind when choosing a custom font.

font size

Allows you to specify the size of the text in the current paragraph.

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Cut and Paste

The cut, copy and paste buttons allow you to move or duplicate blocks of text and images around your page.

"Cutting" a section of your page removes it from your page, and stores is temporarily in a place called the "Clipboard".

Once in the clipboard, you can "Paste" your section back into the document in its new position.

The "Copy" button works in a similar way to "Cut", except that it does not remove the original section. Instead, it puts a duplicate of the copied section in the clipboard for pasting elsewhere.

The following buttons allow for this functionality:


Removes the currently selected section of your page, and places it within the "Clipboard".
You can press CTRL+X on your keyboard as alternative to using this button.



Makes a duplicate of the currently selected section of your page, and places it within the "Clipboard".
You can press CTRL+C on your keyboard as alternative to using this button.



Inserts the current contents of the clipboard at the current cursor position.
You can press CTRL+V on your keyboard as alternative to using this button.


past text

Paste in Text Mode

Note that the "clipboard" is shared between all the programs that run on your computer.

This means you can "Cut" or "Copy" text from other programs, and paste it back into the TinyMCE editor.

When you cut or copy text from another program, sometimes special content is copied along with the text.

The "Paste in Text Mode" button is a toggle button that if de-pressed, will ensure only text is pasted into your document.

paste word

Paste from Word™

To transfer content from a Microsoft Word™ document:

  1. Open your word document in Microsoft Word™

  2. Select the area of the document you wish to transfer, and press CTRL+C to copy it to the clipboard.

  3. Click the Paste from WordPaste from Word button.

    The following dialog will be shown:

    Paste from Word Dialog

  4. Press CTRL+V to paste your word content into the dialog box.

  5. Click the Insert button.

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Searching and Replacing Text

The "Find" and "Find/Replace" buttons allow you to search for words or phrases within your text.

In the case of "Find/Replace", you can replace that word or phrase with other text.

Searching For Text

To search for text, click the Find find button.

The following dialog will be displayed:


The options on this dialog are as follows:

Find What:

Type in the text you want to search for.



Specifies the direction you wish to search in, relative to the current cursor position.

"Up" will search from your current position back up to the beginning of the page.

"Down" will search from your current position to the end of the page.


Match Case:

If left unchecked, words or phrases that match your "Find What" phrase will be found regardless of whether letters are captilized or lower-case.

When checked, only words or phrases that match the exact case of your "Find What" phrase will be found.


To start your search, click the Find Next button.

Each matching phrase will be highlighted in the editor area, one at a time. To see the next match, click the "Find Next" button again.

To close the Find Dialog, click the Cancel button.

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Searching and Replacing Text

To replace some text with other text, click on the Find/Replace btnSearchReplace.png button.

The following dialog will be displayed:


The options on this dialog are as follows:

Find What:

Type in the text you want to search for.


Replace With:

Type in the text you replace this text with.



Specifies the direction you wish to search in, relative to the current cursor position.

"Up" will search from your current position back up to the beginning of the page.

"Down" will search from your current position to the end of the page.


Match Case:

If left unchecked, words or phrases that match your "Find What" phrase will be found regardless of whether letters are captilized or lower-case.

When checked, only words or phrases that match the exact case of your "Find What" phrase will be found.


You have two options here with how to use Find/Replace:

To replace all occurrences of your "Find What" text, click the Replace All button.

To replace each occurrence one at a time:

1. Click the Find Next button to find your first occurrence.

2. If you want to replace the text, click the Replace button, otherwise click the Find Next button to find the next occurrence.

To close the Find/Replace Dialog, click the Cancel button.

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Bullet Point Lists

Bullet point lists are lists of items shown as follows:

  • Item One
  • Item Two
  • Item Three

To create a bullet point list:

  1. Select the lines of text you wish to put in your list by highlighting them with the mouse.

  2. Either:
    Click the Unordered List UnorderedList button to use the default bullet style.
    Click the drop-down arrow on the Unordered List ListDropdown button and select the style of bullet you require.

New list items can be added by pressing new-line (return key) after each item.

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Numbered Lists

Numbered lists are lists of items shown in an order, as follows:

  1. Item One
  2. Item Two
  3. Item Three

To create a numbered list:

  1. Select the lines of text you wish to put in your list by highlighting them with the mouse.

  2. Either:
    Click the Ordered List list button to use the default numbering style.
    Click the drop-down arrow on the Ordered List dropdown button and select the style of numbering you require.

New list items can be added by pressing new-line (return key) after each item.

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Un-doing and Re-doing Changes

Whilst you are editing your page, TinyMCE keeps a record of all the changes you have made to your page since you last saved it.

If you want to "undo" a change to your document, you can click the Undo undo button. Alteratively, pressing CTRL+Z will have the same effect.

To "redo" a change you've undone, either click the Redo redo button, or press CTRL+SHIFT+Z on your keyboard.

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Linking to Other Pages

If you wish to link to another page, either within your web site or to an external web site, you can create a "hyperlink" to this page.

Hyperlinks can also be used in conjunction with anchors to "jump" to a particular section of a page.

Hyperlinks are usually represented in blue text and underlined, e.g. hyperlink.

Creating Hyperlinks

To create a hyperlink, first select the text you wish to use for your hyperlink, by selecting it with the mouse e.g.:

Click here to link to my page...

Next, click on the Insert/Edit Link link button. You will be presented with the following dialog:


The basic options for this dialog are as follows:

Link URL:

Type in the address of the web page you wish to link to, e.g.:

Link List:


As an alternative to the above, you can select a page from this drop-down list.
When selecting a page from this list, the Link URL will be automatically filled in for you.




This specifies where your linked web page should be opened.

  • If you wish the page to replace the one the user is currenly on, select Open in this window / frame;
  • If you wish the page to be opened in a new window or browser, so the current page is still available, select Open in new window (_blank)


As a general rule, pages that are on your web site should use the Open in this window / frame;
Pages that are on an external web site should use the Open in new window (_blank) option.




Hyperlinks can also be used to link to a specific section of a page.
In this scenario, clicking on a hyperlink will "jump" to the required section of your page.

These sections are known as Anchors.

To select the required section, pick the name of your Anchor from the list.

Note: To link to an Anchor on the current page, ensure that the "Link URL" is blank, and the "Target" is set to "Open in this window / frame".

For more information, see the next section which deals with Anchors.

To create your link, click the Insert button, or Cancel to cancel your link creation.

Your link should now appear in your page, e.g.:

Click here to link to my page...

There are many other more advanced options on this dialog. These options are for those who have an advanced knowledge of HTML, and their meaning should be obvious to those with that knowledge.


Removing Links

To remove a link, simply highlight your linked text with the mouse, e.g.:

Click here to link to my page...

...then click the Unlink btnUnlink button.

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Anchors are like a book-mark to a particular section of your page.

Anchors are used in conjunction with hyperlinks to "jump" to a section of your page, to help with navigating around.

A good example of this would be a table of contents, where each chapter reference in the content page is a hyperlink, and the actual chapter has an anchor associated with it.

To create an anchor, place the cursor at the desired part of your page by clicking next to it with the mouse.


Next, click the Anchor knowledgebase button. The following dialog will be shown:


Type in the name of your anchor in this dialog, and click Insert.

Your anchor will be indicated on the page editor as follows:


See the hyperlinks section for details on linking to your anchor.

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To insert an image on to your page, click the Insert/Edit Image knowledgebase button.

You will be presented with the following dialog:


The following options are available on this dialog:

Image URL:

This specifies the location (on the internet) of the image to be shown.
In most cases, you will have uploaded your image using your site's image upload manager. In this case, you should select your image using the Image List below.
However, if you wish to insert an image located somewhere else on the internet, type in it's URL here.


Image List:

If you've uploaded any images to your web site, they will appear in this list.
When selecting an image from this list, the Link URL will be automatically filled in for you.


Image Description & Title:

You should enter a description and title of your image here, so that users who have images turned off, or are using disibility aids such as screen readers will know what image is being shown.



A preview of your image will be shown here.
This is to ensure you have picked the correct image.

Clicking on the Appearance Tab will give you more options:


The following options are available on this dialog:


This allows you to specify how the image will be aligned in relation to the text on your page.




This option allows you to specify the display size of your image in pixels.

When checked, the "constrain proportions" checkbox will automatically calculate the height (if you enter a width), or width (if you enter a height) of your image. This is to ensure the proportions of your image remain intact.
Unchecking this option, will allow you to stretch the image horizontally or vertically.

Note: Using this option to make large images look smaller is a bad idea.
Regardless of the size an image is shown at, when viewing your page the whole image will need to be downloaded at its original size.
You should consider shrinking the image to the required size, and uploading it again. This will speed up the loading of your page.


Veritical Space/
Horizontal Space:

These options allow you to specify, in pixels, the amount of blank border space around your image.



Should you require a border (i.e. a box) around your image, specify its thickness in pixels here.




Should you wish your image to conform to a particular CSS Style class, you should type in the name of that class here.

To insert your image, click the Insert button.

Note: There are more advanced options on the Advanced tab of this dialog. These options are for those who have an advanced knowledge of HTML, and their meaning should be obvious to those with that knowledge.

Once your image has been inserted, you can resize it in-place within the editor area.

Clicking on the image, will make the resize handles appear:


To resize the image, click one of these handles with the left mouse button and move the mouse whilst holding the button down. Release the mouse button when you're happy with the image size.

To delete the image, click on the image and press the "Delete" button on your keyboard.

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Editing HTML Directly

The page you are editing is stored in a code known as HTML.

HTML is the language of the web - it tells your browser exactly how to display your page.

If you need to edit the HTML code directly, you can do so by clicking the Edit HTML knowledgebase button.

You will be presented with the following dialog, containing the HTML code of your page:


Once you have made your changes to the HTML, click the Update button.

Note: This option is for Advanced users who are knowledgeable in HTML.
If what you see on this dialog scares you.... click the Cancel button!

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Cleaning-up your HTML Code

The page you are editing is stored in a code known as HTML.

HTML is the language of the web - it tells your browser exactly how to display your page.

Clicking on the Cleanup messy code knowledgebase will remove any unneccessary spaces or new-lines in the HTML code of your page.

This is only really needed after editing your HTML directly using the Edit HTML knowledgebase button.

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Click the Help knowledgebase button to show this help document.

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Inserting the Current Date and Time

The following buttons will insert the current date and time into your page:


Inserts the current date.


Inserts the current time.

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The buttons below allow you to specify the foreground and background of your text:


Selects the foreground color.


Selects the background color.

To choose the color, you must click the drop-down arrow to the right of the button:


The drop-down shown above allows you to choose from one of 40 colors. To choose more colors, click on More Colors.

The following dialog will appear, allowing you to choose from over 16 million different colors:


To choose your color, simply click with the mouse and move the mouse around until you find your desired color.

The Pallette tab allows you to pick from colors that are currently in use:


The Named tab allows you to pick from a preset list of "Named" colors that supported by most browsers:


Once you have selected your color, click the Apply button.

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Working with Tables

The following buttons provide the functionality to create and manage tables:


Creates a new table and inserts it into your page.


Inserts a new row before the current one.


Inserts a new row after the current one.


Deletes the current row.


Inserts a new column before the current one.


Inserts a new column after the current one.


Deletes the current column.


Shows a dialog allowing you to edit the current row properties.


Shows a dialog allowing you to edit the current cell properties.


Merges the selected cells into one.


Splits previously merged cells back into separate cells.

Inserting a Table

To insert a table, click the Insert Table knowledgebase button.

The following dialog will appear:


The following options are availabel on this dialog:


Specifies the number of vertical columns your table should have.



Specifies the number of horizontal rows your table should have.


Cell Padding:

Specifies the size in pixels, of the "blank" border you require within the cell itself.
Leave this blank if you do not require any padding within your cells.


Cell Spacing:

Specifies the size in pixels, of the spacing between each cell.
Leave this blank if you do not require any spacing between your cells.



This drop-down allows you to specify the alignment of your table in relation to the rest of the page.
Your table will inherit the default alignment for tables on your page if you leave this as "not set".



Specifies the size in pixels, of the border (grid) around the table and its cells.
Leave this at 0 if you do not require any border.


Width /

Here you can specify the width and height of your table.
If left blank, by default the table will take up as much room as it needs. However you may wish to restrict this to either:

  • A certain size in pixels, in which case enter the size followed by px (e.g. 200px)
  • A size relative to the size of your page, in which case enter the percentage followed by % (e.g. 50%)




If your page has one or more CSS style classes defined for showing tables, you can select this here. Otherwise, leave this as "not set" to inherit the default style.


Table Caption:

When checked, this will cause your table to have an additional row that spans the top of your table, allowing you to give it a caption (in effect, a title).


There are more options on the Advanced tab of this dialog. These options are for those who have an advanced knowledge of HTML, and their meaning should be obvious to those with that knowledge.

Once you have selected your options, click the Insert button to create your table.


Table Row Properties

To edit the current row's properties, click the Edit Row Properties knowledgebase button.

The following dialog will appear:


The following options are available on this dialog:

Row in Table Part:

There are three options available in this drop-down:

  • Table Head: Makes this row the header row of your table.
  • Table Body: Used for the main content rows in your table.
  • Table Foot: Specifies this row as the table footer.



Specifies the horizontal alignment of your text on this row.


Vertical alignment:

Specifies the vertical alignment of your text within this row.



If you have specific CSS classes that affect table rows, you can select one from this drop-down.
Otherwise, leave this as "Not Set".



Here you can specify the height of the table row.
If left blank, by default the row will take up as much room as it needs. However you may wish to restrict this to either:

  • A certain size in pixels, in which case enter the size followed by px (e.g. 25px)
  • A size relative to the size of your page, in which case enter the percentage followed by % (e.g. 50%)



Update options:

The drop-down box above the Update button specifies what rows are updated with the settings above:

  • Update current row
  • Update odd rows in table
  • Update even rows in table
  • Update all rows in table


There are more options on the Advanced tab of this dialog. These options are for those who have an advanced knowledge of HTML, and their meaning should be obvious to those with that knowledge.

To apply your new table row options, click the Update button.


Table Cell Properties

To edit the current table cell properties, click the Edit Cell Properties knowledgebase button.

The following dialog will appear:


The following options are available on this dialog:


Specifies the horizontal alignment of your text within this cell.


Vertical alignment:

Specifies the vertical alignment of your text within this cell.


Cell Type:

There are two options available in this drop-down:

  • Head: Makes this cell part of the header of your table.
  • Data: Used for the main content cells in your table.


Width /

Here you can specify the width and height of this cell.
If left blank, by default the table cell will take up as much room as it needs. However you may wish to restrict this to either:

  • A certain size in pixels, in which case enter the size followed by px (e.g. 200px)
  • A size relative to the size of your page, in which case enter the percentage followed by % (e.g. 50%)




If you have specific CSS classes that affect table cells, you can select one from this drop-down.
Otherwise, leave this as "Not Set".


Update options:

The drop-down box above the Update button specifies what rows are updated with the settings above:

  • Update current cell
  • Update all cells in row
  • Update all cells in table


There are more options on the Advanced tab of this dialog. These options are for those who have an advanced knowledge of HTML, and their meaning should be obvious to those with that knowledge.

To apply your new cell options, click the Update button.

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